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AI in the Workforce - Helm 3002/8

AI in the Workforce - Helm 3002/8 In-Person / Online

As another academic year comes to a close and students get one step closer to entering the workforce, this workshop will highlight ways in which artificial intelligence is impacting nearly every industry. Participants will learn about what AI jobs are out there, what types of positions are most likely to be retooled or replaced by AI, and what skills college students can build to make themselves more marketable. 

Related LibGuide: Artificial Intelligence Literacy by Brooke Gross

Monday, April 14, 2025
9:00am - 10:00am
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
The Commons at Helm Library

Registration is required. There are 36 in-person seats available. There are 49 online seats available.

This will be a hybrid workshop, with time allotted for both Zoom and in-person questions at the end. It will not be recorded. 

Event Organizer

Brooke Gross

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